3 Simple DIY Homemade Gift Ideas with Coconut Oil

Gifts and recipes you can make with coconut oil

There’s something precious about being gifted presents that are made by the very hands of the special people in our lives. Labours of love, if you will. This holiday season, we want to encourage you to give gifts that are impactful and long-lasting, or to create gifts that have been crafted by your own hands, rather than buying new or unsustainably.

Virginutty Coffee and Coconut Oil Body Scrub spilled on wooden surface.

1. DIY Coconut Oil and Coffee Body Scrub

Sometimes the ingredients to the dreamiest homemade gifts can be found in our kitchen and bathroom cupboards. We’d highly recommend creating a body scrub that will exfoliate the little naughty impurities on the surfaces of our body. This coffee scrub recipe involving our Skin Drink coconut oil smells delicious, tastes delicious, and makes an exciting gift for your beauty-loving loved one!

Skin Drink - Moisturiser - 120ml Skin Drink - Moisturiser - 120ml
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Skin Drink - Moisturiser - 120ml
Skin Drink - Travel Size - 60ml
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Skin Drink - Travel Size - 60ml

How to make a Coconut Oil and Coffee Body Scrub as a gift: 


  • ½ pure virgin coconut oil - we recommend our quality Virginutty Skin Drink that is nourishing for the skin with anti-aging properties

  • ½ cup of crushed coffee beans or grounds 

  • ⅔ cup of brown sugar 

  • A few drops of a lovely essential oil


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Coconut oil should be in a solid state (not liquid), but can be softened in the microwave or over the stove for easier mixing.

  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

  3. Decant into a Kilner jar or glass container (a clean up-cycled jar works well!)

  4. You can add a little label with instructions and a message (use on legs, arms, body, etc.).

    Make sure the container is airtight. Can be stored in the fridge and used for up to one month.

A flat lay of a coconut shell cut in pieces.

2. DIY Homemade Brown Sugar Coconut Oil Lip Scrub

Lip scrubs have the same benefits as body scrubs. It focuses on exfoliating away the dead skin cells whilst also adding moisture back in. This gift is perfect for adding to giving as little favours, adding to Christmas stockings, or a just as an appreciation gift for someone you love.


  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil

  • 1 tbsp Brown Sugar 

  • 2-4 drops vitamin E oil


  1. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl until thoroughly combined. The texture of the mixture should be like paste - not too dry but not too wet either.

  2. Pop in a few drops of vitamin E oil in for extra nourishing.

  3. Et voila! Your mixture is ready, it’s that simple! Pop it into a pretty little jar and then add a ribbon or instruction card.

  4. To use it, apply a small amount and rub on lips for about a minute to exfoliate and soften. Then rinse lips clean afterwards. (You may be tempted to eat the scrub, which would be perfectly fine as it’s 100% safe and edible!)

A homemade soy wax candle with wood wick in an upcycled jar / image by kdwcreatives

A homemade soy wax candle with wood wick in an upcycled jar / image by kdwcreatives


3. Homemade eco-friendly soy wax candle with essential oils

As we get closer to winter, we also approach the time when the days get shorter and darker. A homemade candle is the perfect way to say ‘allow me to light up your autumn evenings’. So why not bring hygge to your loved ones abode through a homemade candle?

Note: lots of soy wax types have associations with genetic modification and deforestation. Make sure the soy wax you invest in is sustainably produced and manufactured. We prefer using rapeseed and coconut wax in our own candles due to its low carbon footprint, but soy is a brilliant plant-based alternative. Please note, you will also need to do further research around container size and wick size.


  • 2kg soy wax 

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • Scented or essential oils 

  • Heat-proof candle container or glass jar

  • Wicks 

  • Pencil or clothespin

  • Fresh herbs such as lavender

  • Nonstick pot

  • Wooden spoon for stirring

  • Scissors


  1. First things first, place the wick in your glass jar/candle container. Make sure the weighted metal bottom is in the centre as we don’t want a lop-sided candle!  Feel free to use a dab of hot glue to secure it in place. 

  2. Straighten out the wick and wrap it around a pencil or a clothespin to keep it in place. Make sure the pencil or clothespin is resting safely over the mouth of the jar.

  3. For extra cuteness, you can add clean and dry herbs such as lavender to the candle. Place 3-4 sprigs of the herbs inside of the jar, close to the glass.

  4. Heat the soy wax flakes on low heat using your non-stick pot. Keep stirring to avoid clumping. (You may need to heat about 2 cups of soy wax flakes per 1 – 8 oz. candle).

  5. Now once the candle has cooled a bit, don’t forget to add your favourite essential oils (ours is lavender).

  6. Once the soy wax is ready carefully pour it into the jar. Pour slowly so you don’t disturb the wick.

  7. Allow the candle to rest in a cool place for 24 hours. This will allow it to harden.

  8. Once the candle is solid, remove the pencil or clothespin. Cut the wick down to about 1/4 inch length.

  9. And there you have it! Your homemade candle is ready to create the most hygge atmosphere possible this autumn. 

Note: making and pouring candles is a practice that is often much more difficult and scientific than people appreciate. We highly recommend investing in a starter’s candle making kit if you’re a beginner to the art of candle-making.

We hope you enjoyed these three ways to incorporate coconut oil into your homemade gifts this holiday season.

If you’re still on the hunt for inspiration, come and browse through our ethical skincare and homeware range over at our online shop.

DIYVirginuttyGuide, recipe